Санкт-Петербургская благотворительная общественная организация социальной интеграции детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра «Признание»

Who are we?

We are a group of volunteers, parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) from St. Petersburg. We have founded a charitable organization ¶¶¶Acceptance¶¶¶ to support social integration of children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD).


We are starting the first inclusive class in Saint Petersburg; where children with ASD could study among their traditionally developing peers.

In 2014 World Health Organization gave ASD a status of a global health priority.


Why do we think it is important?

¶¶¶ The number of individuals with ASD is drastically increasing: according to recent research, 1 of 68 boys and 1 of 315 girls have ASD.

¶¶¶ Everyone should have a possibility to study and communicate with their peers.

¶¶¶ Inclusive classes are needed not only for the children with ASD, but for their classmates, the entire school, teachers, and the whole society.


What have we already done?

¶¶¶ We¶¶¶ve organized a special resource class (a place, where children could stay and learn when that is not possible in the class).

¶¶¶ We¶¶¶ve hired some specialists for this class: a teacher, a psychologist and tutors.

¶¶¶ We¶¶¶ve found consultants on Applied Behavior Analysis (USA) and inclusive education methods from USA, Canada and Moscow.

¶¶¶ On the 1st of September 2015 our children began their school life.



We are thankful


«Priznanie» is very thankful to our new friends Richard Golob, Yuriy Gankin and Vitaly Aronov for their generous donations.

These money will be spent on the first inclusive class in Saint Petersburg; where children with autism spectrum disorders study among their traditionally developed peers.

Please, accept our sincere gratitude for your help in our work to give education and social integration to the children with autism spectrum disorders.



Если у вас возникли вопросы, мы будем рады на них ответить

Email: accept.spb@mail.ru



 2015, Санкт-Петербургская благотворительная общественная организация социальной интеграции детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра «Признание»